When Chris Marazzo (pictured), a casting director, listed on his personal website that he's casted more than 200 projects - "including most recently Star Wars: Battlefront 3 with LucasArts" - he probably didn't have this kind of response in mind.
However, the fan site Battlefront3.net noticed, got in touch with Marazzo, and lo and behold, the guy replied. And confirmed to them that the game is in in development. Here's his quote to BF3.Net:
Thanks for getting in touch. The Original Title was Battlefront 3 but it evolved into Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. However Battlefront 3 is also in development. It was by far the most fun and coolest casting I ever worked on.
What's more, the site member who contacted Marazzo said "he may be able to dig me up some Battlefront 3 storyboards, by the end of the week!"
Very interesting indeed. I've emailed a contact with LucasArts to apprise them of this rumor and ask if they want to comment. Anything they say that's updateable will go back here.
Battlefront 3 is in Development says Battlefront 3 Actor [Battlefront3.net via VG247]