Kid Cudi, the rapper who debuted two years ago with the gold-album "Man on the Moon: The End of Day," evidently cut a rap homage to Capcom and the fighting genre for which it is well known. It's an old project done for some friends, the artist said, but you may still listen to it here.
"The song ... titled "capcom" was done early last year for a project chad hugo and kenna were working on for a Street Fighter game," Kid Cudi writes on his tumblr, "and they reached out and asked me to be a part of it. This was a demo reference and i never really got to rework my verses or see the project through. Its old and isnt of my discography. I have a new jam im releasing soon and it will be current freshness. Stay tuned."
KiD CuDi - "Capcom" [Shoryuken via The Koalition]