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Canned Natal Two-Finger Game Concept Art

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The French developer behind DS title Big Bang Mini, Arkedo, was thinking about making a game for Microsoft's upcoming Natal motion system, but has decided against it.

Arkedo boss Camille Guermonprez posted mock screenshots for a proposed (now dead) brawler called 2-Finger Heroes. Players were to use their fingers to control the characters' legs. Flicking one's fingers, for example, would make the on screen character kick. Different fingers, except for the middle finger, can unleash various powers. Other moves include folding arms to do things like terraform the game's terrain.

Why did the studio decide against it? "One of the designs flaws of this, apart from the fact that it demanded some very precise pattern recognition from the Natal system, is that it would have been HELL to localize," says Guermonprez. "Yup, what can be understood as the victory sign in France, could be a terrible insult in the UK, for instance."


The Arkedo Series Official Thread of 240MSPoints Down a Month [NeoGAF via Joystiq]