After the announcement that Syfy was not interested in 3rd season ofStargate Universe, internet rumors have been popping up all over claiming that SGU is far from dead (mostly fostered by the show creators themselves). Can SGU live again?
In the end of Decemeber show co-producer and co-writer, Brad Wright, told Show Patrol that "We haven't given up on finishing the story we started," and that, "It's heartening to see so many people upset about Syfy's cancellation of the show, but it's important to remember that their license fee represented only a portion of our total budget."
Last week director SGU producer and director, Joseph Mallozzi, seemed to back up Wright's earlier statements. From the entry in his recent blog, one could assume that Wright is still fighting the good fight trying to get SGU back on air:
I was in the office yesterday to watch the Day 1 Mix of The Hunt. Great stuff! Anyway, while there, I talked to Brad. Needless to say, he's been working hard to ensure we all get the opportunity to work with Mark in 2011. Nothing definite as of yet to report but a minor hurdle was cleared. Quite a few hurdles still lie ahead and there's always the chance it might all be for naught – but right now, things are looking positive.
We spent a couple of hours in the late afternoon discussing the potential game plan if all goes well – and, if all DOES go well, I can assure you that it'll be very, VERY exciting for all.
What is the "minor hurdle" ? It's anything from getting some additional funding to keep VFX creator (the exceptionally gifted) Mark Savela on for a longer period of time to work on the final episodes, or it could be as big as finding a new channel that wants to pick up where SGU left off. Only time will tell, but know this, these guys are dedicated to this series. They've been behind it for years and years. While we're not sure about the end outcome, we're 100% sure that this crew is putting in the hours to keep SGU alive. It should be interesting to see what happens. We're not ready to lose the Stargate franchise forever, so we're rooting for them!
UPDATE: Here's a good source for save SGU updates.