Welcome back to "Backhanded Box Quotes," a collection of measured, thoughtful criticism from the user reviews of Metacritic, Amazon and elsewhere.
This week's Backhanded Box Quotes concern a game that needs no introduction: Madden NFL 13, which has somehow managed to sell a zillion copies the past eight years despite not having anything good said about it by the people who still buy it every year.
Madden NFL 13
Released: Aug. 28
Critic: yayonaize (Metacritic)
• "The no fun league has transcended into a video game form."
Score: 0.
Critic: Hooky586 (Metacritic)
• "There are several uniform mistakes throughout the game. For instance when have your seen the Bears wear orange pants?"
Score: 0.
Critic: Skaterpunk444 (Metacritic)
• "I literally spent 2 days of playing this game ONLY PUNTS/KICKOFFS AND BLOCKING FIELD GOALS... in till I decided to end my relationship with this game."
Score: 0.
Critic: gridironjunky (Metacritic)
• "This game itself deserves better than the zero I'm giving it. However not much"
Score: 0.
Critic: Megan M. Sims (Amazon)
• "the Madden 13 coaster is easily a 3 star rated item due to the hole in the middle and no anti-slip coating."
Score: 1 star.
Critic: Brandon P. "Brandon" (Amazon)
• "The kicking suck like butthole."
Score: 1 star.
Backhanded Box Quotes will be an occasional feature of Kotaku's Anger Management hour, unless it isn't.