To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Has Anyone Seen Inglourious Basterds or District 9?
I'm safely ensconced back in Denver. I flew back Sunday from Cologne after spending a week with McWhertor hustling to cover the surprisingly fun Gamescom. I managed to nearly miss all of my connections, but still get on board the train and two planes. That was fun. I decided to stay up on the flight home and watch through most of season two and a bit of season three of Battlestar Galatica on my iPhone. Good times.
It's weird how quickly I snap back to my normal time zone. Today I felt pretty much adjusted, though I'm slightly tired tonight.
With QuakeCon, Blizzcon and Gamescom all behind us now, we're moving into the Penny Arcade Expo next week and then a few more weeks down the line the Tokyo Game show.
This is one crazy convention season isn't it?
What you missed:
Sony's Interest in Augmented Reality Gaming Expands
Video Gamers Get Their Woodstock
BlizzCon: Where Are Diablo III's Runes?
Singularity Finds Inspiration in 80s Childhoods
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm: Why Level 85?
Modern Warfare Mobility DS: Guns, Tanks and Planes
John Carmack And The Hideo Kojima Sunset
Ozzy Tells Kotaku of His Secret Video Game Addiction
In Defence Of Sports Games
Minis Impressions: Fieldrunners on the PSPGo
Hands On With Diablo III's Monk
Resident Evil 4 Mobile Edition Micro-Review: Learning to Read With Zombies
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Preview: Better Than A Blue Shell
StarCraft II Can Be Played Offline
Final Fantasy XIII's Paradigm Shift, Gestalt Mode & More
Heavy Rain Eyes On: Meet Scott Shelby, Private Eye
World Of Warcraft: The Lands Beyond The Cataclysm
Final Fantasy Versus XIII Dev Time "Comparatively Faster" Than FFXIII
Gamescom's Halls Of PC Hardware, Nintendo And Sad