Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku's EIC. Beats: internet culture, gaming communities, fandom, Pokémon, and Nintendo. When not at a computer, typically boxing or reading.

Read through their whole report and frankly found their methodology pretty arbitrary. They seem to have high confidence because they’ve found cheaters in the past. But they do a pretty poor job (frankly, no job, really) presenting the statistics well. Read more

Lew called Adelstein’s all-in on the turn, for a quarter of a million dollars, despite not even having a pair. Read more

All pre-orders have been converted to NFTs.  You now get a receipt showing that you own a pre-order. Read more

Wow. We’ve come a long way from being a horny kid on Yahoo chat.

I guess.  Read more

and this is why Nona Gaprindashvili sued Netflix for The Queen’s Gambit. When you are part of a field so overwhelmingly against you, any slight or minimization of the work feels is like agreeing with shitheads like this. Read more

Half-Life 2 is the best example, more than 90% of the original half-life 2 code was leaked online. without any way to really stop it (the DMCA was still very young at the time) valve chose to scrap everything and re-do it from the ground up which delayed the game a few years.
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Seems like not much has changed. I worked at GS for six years. My ending wage was $1.25 / hr more than my starting wage. Read more

I worked for Gamestop when the pay was around 8 dollars an hour. I quit 2 weeks later. I thought it would be a dream job but it was horrible. No one should work for a company like Gamestop for 10 years. Don’t be content, aim much higher. Read more

I don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks- Pikmin is one of my all-time favorite video game series and has never failed to lull me into a sense of zen and calm even as I try to rally all of my little buds before night falls and the creatures eat them. I am as excited for this as I am for the new Zelda or Read more

Gabriel Jones, a soldier Read more

I at the very least appreciate that you can talk back to him. I busted a gut when I told him to spread the word about his store himself and he effectively says, “what, me? an elite citizen walking among the common proletariat? perish the thought.” This hypercapitalist leech is admittedly a hilarious contrast to the Read more

I feel like in years to come, when the dust settles on this phenomenon of para-social relationships, there’ll be a LOT of psychological reports, and general cultural fallout from those males who transitioned into their 30s and older with only _this_ kind of experience in relationships (be they emotional or sexual - Read more

So literally what everyone expected, the same game where the new engine isn’t taken advantage of to do anything fundamentally different, and in a way puts a premium on accessibility all for $70. Read more

I don’t play with loud sound on my headset, so I can hear my fireteam... The sound was so loud, it caused me physical pain in my eardrums.

It is definitelly a health hazzard. I can imagine people who play with a loud volume getting permanent damage. I have no idea how it manages to be that loud despite the volume being Read more

Gina Carano did a speedrun from “mildly popular bit actor” to “conservative troll”. Same arc as Kevin Sorbo but in a fraction of the time. Like, I respected her stuntwork in the otherwise boring-as-hell Haywire, and she was getting some pretty major gigs up through the Mandalorian, and she couldn’t wait for her career Read more