Patricia Hernandez's saved articles

Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku's EIC. Beats: internet culture, gaming communities, fandom, Pokémon, and Nintendo. When not at a computer, typically boxing or reading.

MissMikkaa is an Elden Ring champ. Her progress is genuinely impressive and entertaining. Dancepad run going on now is especially interesting! Read more

Cloudflare, protecting Nazi’s, intentionally, since 2022. Read more

i’ve seen so many friends invest in fancy instruments that never get used... i’m glad my biggest folly was a used copy of the KORG DS “game” that only got played for 1 minute. Read more

I genuinely enjoy Rick & Morty, but I’m getting really tired of Roiland’s three voices, all with the same cadence and mannerisms. Putting them in an extended video next to the fantastic Jennifer Hale isn’t doing him any favors, either.

It’s okay man, you don’t have to be the lead(s) in absolutely every project you Read more

If you think about it, isn’t a white man writing lyrics for a black artist just blackface by proxy? Read more

In fairness, ‘It....Why not?’ is a pretty solid reaction to the Markia-Radagon connection.

Its absurd and makes no sense and even the best lore enthusiasts don’t know how it works mechanically. But why not? Its bonkers enough for a Fromsoft game, I’ll roll with it. Read more

So, just to clarify for those who are on the outside, none of the cards involved in these McDonald’s promos are truly exclusive to the meals. All of the cart art is reprinted from common cards from recently released sets, usually of small, unevolved Pokémon, but the holo ones have a slightly different holo design than Read more

Love the video news format, nice work! Read more

I respect the take, but to be fair, only up to a certain point. There are definitely some QOL things to help smooth out the gameplay such as being able to speed up Digimon moving across the board, though holding A/the “execute” button does help during combat. You can do the same with dialogue but I didn’t find the Read more

It looked pretty boring based on some streams I saw. Read more

Also worth noting - there’s a great demo for the game available that includes the first portions of three of the chapters (Imperial China, Edo Japan, Future), each of which seems to be about 30-45 min worth of the respective stories. I’ve only done two of them so far, but Imperial China was some of the most thoughtful Read more

Sad to see. I was looking into halo APIs the other month, and 343 actually do have their own portal for a Halo API (link after this para because Kotaku comments break my shit) replete with documentation. For the last month or two the sign-in portal, even with a Microsoft Developer account, just bounced straight back Read more

This is a real bummer because having access to all your player stats was always a neat thing in the previous Halo games. It’s not like this is just a Bungie thing either; while the actual web apps used to access this data sucked pretty bad, 343i still made this data available for Halo 4, Halo 5, and Master Chief Read more

This is like if Untitled Goose Game shifted to a JRPG at the halfway point where you now have to save the world from some ultra-powerful behind the scenes entity that had been manipulating the residents of Goosetown into its cult all along and you had to defeat him with QTE goose antics. Read more

While I think I would have preferred something more like a cat based adventure game, just being able to play as a sweet lil’ kitty cat is probably gonna help me overlook any flaws in this game. Still, I appreciate this article for tempering my expectations!
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No way man, It gets way fucking creepier. It’s almost horror at some points. A little light gun is nothing.  Read more