Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

By the end of its run in 2000, Peanuts was an institution. It had become an omnipresent part of American culture,

This is a great explanation of it. Every time I’m tempted to try voice chat again, I recall the shit I got the time before, and then decide, nah, I’ll just keep the mic off. Not worth the risk, which really sucks in communication-heavy games. I actually could only play L4D with friends for that reason. Read more

Holy crap I played that “Sonic Dreams Collection”... thing and it scarred me for life. The Oculus Rift demo (where you have to, er, tickle Sonic at Eggman’s request) is so fucking unsettling. Read more

Come back soon! Best weekend guest editor ever! Read more

Peace bro, you were a great substitute teacher for us. Read more

Well then after reading that I think I’m in need for some cute kitten gifs .Whos with me?

It is a good idea to read what is below the header to know why he wrote number 4. Read more

Somehow the most horrifying thing here is that a 30 year old man told his mother to go to the store to get him a sandwich and a soda - AND SHE DID IT. Read more

I now only click on Destiny articles for the intro paragraphs. Jason, you have a gift. Read more

I bought a commission from this artist last year. Mike Inel is not only an amazing anime artist, but a blossoming animator who has very little shame in what he does(such as re-animating an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball and...sexualizing one or two of the characters). He is pretty professional when it comes Read more