Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

I honestly wasn’t expecting my story to be featured or the response I’ve gotten because of it. Pokemon, and video games in general, have become my main way for opening up conversations with people. I’m autistic and don’t have a lot of social skills, so Pokemon really opened that door for me. Never having gotten this Read more

Oh damn. I mean. Damn. He’s going to be missed. Read more

I’ve also noticed that a disproportionate number of recommendations from Gawker staff on my comments come from you, so, I guess I can back you up on that :P Read more

Oh yeeaaaah. That was great and it suffices. I remember now. Read more

Yeah! I think I just played the first two, but they’re great. Very underrated. Read more

I let my younger brother take my copy of pokemon gold with him to a friends birthday party. When he returned, he told me of how he was boasting to the other kids of the incredible team that had assembled and of the Typhlosion that I had cultured so carefully. The birth boy scoffed at the mere mention of my fire styled Read more

I once beat my younger brother with a team of 6 level 100 Magikarps. It blew his mind. Though, I cheated but I was like 10 at the time. Read more

I followed the normal Pokemon interest curve. I thought the first two generations were super rad when I was a child, then fell off and didn’t like it anymore. Fast forward to college and a friend of mine just INSISTS that I need to get back into Pokemon and lends me his White version. I fall head over heels in love Read more

Generation 1 baby, the very first games! I had long since beaten the game, but my friend had just gotten a Blue version for his birthday. He chose Charmander as his starter and was having a LOT of trouble against Misty. It was already too late to go back to Viridian Forest and farm Pikachu, so I had pity on him and Read more

I was playing Pokemon Diamond and it was the Elite Four. At the time, I didn’t know that the Elite Four had a champion. It took a long time to beat the Elite Four themselves, as this was my first Pokemon game and I didn’t have any experience beating them before. Plus my Pokemon weren’t that high of levels and I Read more

I actually have two Pokemon stories that are hands-down the greatest victories I’ve ever had since I started to like series: Read more

This is what I looked like after beating the Elite 4

How things started:
Years ago when I was in secondary school I used to see some people sitting around playing Pokemon red/blue. I decided to take my gameboy in with me one day and sat next to that group at lunch time. Was playing the game alone. As everyone left this guy seen me playing alone and came over. He asked me Read more