Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Do crazy ridiculous trades count? Because a friend of mine totally swindled another friend when they were in grade school. As the story goes, my friend Phil had Blue and my friend Will had Red. So Phil has pretty much already beat the game and is just trying to catch them all as it were. So he wants our friend Will’s Read more

Oh, man, I’ve had some good moments, but my favorite is from Gen III. Read more

I want to say that I was maybe 7, 8 or 9 (can’t fully remember) and I was finishing up my Pokedex in my Red version game (1996). My favorite Pokemon is and always will be Zapdos, btw (Will be relevant in a moment). I was looking for a Mew to complete me collection. I didn’t have Gameshark and I didn’t know of that Read more

X and Y game, where I won a game by the skin of my teeth. It was a 6v6 battle vs an online friend - My Scizor, Charizard X, Hydreigon, Tyrantrum, Galavantula and my damage sponge Tentacruel. Read more

*First Post Ever! ^_^

Fighting my best friend with our best Pokemon, being down to the last two, his Dragonite against my Swampert. Both Pokemon very low on health. Dragonite goes for a hyper beam to finish my Swampert off. Swampert survives with 2 HP. Dragonite cannot attack the next turn due to Hyper Beam, and I remember just laughing Read more

My very first game was Pokemon Silver. My best moment was early on in the game. I was in the fifth grade when I was playing through it, and some kid on the playground gave me some advice where I was stuck. As is usually the case, the advice was false. You see, when you get the Pokemon egg and backtrack to the lab, you Read more

Went to a Ruby/Sapphire tournament held at the NY Pokemon Center (now Nintendo World). I went to support my friend who loved this sort of thing - I was never quite confident enough to attend these tournaments even though Pokemon was rabidly popular (remember the huge TCG tourneys?) Anyway I went in with my team of Read more

I KNOW! That time I won a tournament of Pokemon Fire Red (It was when they were giving away Mew at tournaments and mall events, for the narrative we can just pretend I wasn’t in college...) Read more

Can’t give you much context because my mind may have blocked it out due to the intensity. Just know that I was playing online in X against a friend who hadn’t played since Ruby and he had been talking a lot of trash leading up to our showdown. Even as the match began I could hear him through my speakers talking about Read more

Realistically, the victory in the original Twitch Plays Pokemon. I know what you are thinking — that isn’t a real personal story! You didn’t even play the game directly.

I had an online match against a very obviously hacked team. His team consisted of a shiny metagross, shiny floated, shiny latias, and shiny latios. I was on my last Pokémon, my poison heal gliscor, and his entire team was left. Between switching off of protect and substitute, I was able to stall out his lati twins and Read more

Now playing

No need to share the story when you can watch! I’m the opponent, if that wasn’t apparent :)

First play through of pokemon ever, red on the gameboy. I was in the silph co with a very poorly diversified team. My 6th pokemon was a lvl 13 oddish I was dragging along because it knew cut. I bump into my rival. I get through all his team except his Venosaur. His venasaur basically whipped my exhausted team. I send Read more

Okay, here I go. My opponent and me were down to our last Pokemon. My Pokemon was a Mega Blaziken at 50% HP, his/her Pokemon was Mega Guardevoir at 100% HP. Blaziken attacked first due to his superior speed. Guardevoir was down to 20% HP. And then, for some reason unknown to me, he/she used Hypnosis instead of Read more

I like bringing technician ambipom to lead. Thows people off lol Read more

About a year ago both my buddy and I were playing through Pokemon Y. We battled once. ONCE. Read more