Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

It was a tournament for the release of black and white, I was using my trusty trick room team. Me and a friend of mine were cleaning up pretty quickly but there was this one other guy we were afraid of. Sure enough I went up against him second round. He sweeps a good half of my teem but I manage to get the start of my Read more

This is actually from my blog post specifically dedicated to my Charizard from Red version. I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time. Read more

Now playing

Nice choice. I became a fan of Parov Stelar after I heard Chambermaid Swing on a commercial for.... something. Doesn’t matter. Remembered the song :p

I fucking love Parov Stelar’s music! His Coco album was the shit!!! Read more

Awesome! You guys did really well, and Tina, it was impressive how focused and well-spoken you were. Can’t wait for more. Read more

Yeah Tina and Evan kinda go together well. Evan all decked out in J-Crew style Nantucket Summer Wear is interesting. Red pants and denim shirt? A car elevator and yacht are on the horizon. Read more

I actually think they should take a page out of IGN’s book. I agree with you, they throw video in too often, especially auto-play stuff that gets annoying. However, they have a lot of good podcasts. I listen to like 4 of them every week. I tend to like Kotaku’s tone more and I trust them a little more, so if they got Read more

You two are my fav here....................and Fahey. OK!!! Steve’s cool too Read more

This is somewhat random, but it would be nice if you had more audio and video content like this. Podcasts or videos with group discussions and whatnot. Just a thought. Read more

So much research and hate went into this rant... I love it! Read more

Me. I hate her.

I actually watched the entire show after reading your piece before explaining the show and quite enjoyed it over all. I can certainly agree that Tree Trunk got pretty annoying. BMO and Marceline are probably where it’s at for me. Read more

This article and its future comments will make me smile
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I don’t like Adventure Time personally (literally can’t get through the first season... just not for me), but I like reading what other people say about it. I like knowing there’s a show that so many people are into this much, and I like the way reading comments as an outsider kind of makes it sound like it’s full of Read more

I never comment. NEVER. But this piece... I had to comment to say thank you. TreeTrunks is the worst and ironically I know a person who has these qualities IRL. So much hate, so little time.
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Yup, you are not alone, I hated her the first time I saw her. Read more

Thank you. I haven’t been able to put my finger on why I’m not super fond of her. You have help me to understand myself.

Oh Tina, you have hit the nail on the head. Fuck Tree Trunks, I say. Worst character EVAR Read more

I’m actually worried the Lich will turn out WORSE after having her as a mom. Read more