you forgot about how she and mr pig support the “king of ooo” a con artist and all around vagabond. the only 2 characters to openly support him Read more
you forgot about how she and mr pig support the “king of ooo” a con artist and all around vagabond. the only 2 characters to openly support him Read more
I think she just shows the depth of character creation for the series. She feels like the type of character you see and cringe about. Like you don’t know if she’s going to make the episode good or bad. Ther are a few other like that - like Cinnamon Bun and N.E.P.T.R. Pendleton Ward is just good at making those… Read more
So this is Adventure Time’s own Jar-Jar Binks... It must die.
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Plus she follows the King of Ooo how is a deluded usurper at best, and a malicious thief and saboteur (plus almost a child murderer) at worst. Read more
Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to this situation to want to chop his dick off? Or at least Carrie Underwood style personal property destruction? I’m not saying you would/should act on those feelings but as someone that has been blindsided by a long distance cheater I can speak from experience that my… Read more
Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.
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Note... she’s only 18yrs old and Canadian... I mention that because we still feel just awful about Bieber Read more
God, this song is sharp; rapier recently returned from swordsmith sharp. It unfortunately and beautifully applies words and music to the ninetieth percentile of my feelings when trapped at parties and bars. I’m an introvert, but not broken. I simply draw my energy from that endless fount of self. It is my experience… Read more
Damn that was good. Curse you Tina for your consistently good picks. Read more
I find this to be highly acceptable. Read more
Not all PC ports are created equal, and Batman: Arkham Knight seems to be an especially bad one. The morning after…
Tina, please continue to do periscope even after E3. With other staff members or just you or maybe a segment every week or whatever. The level of interaction between you guys, the reporters on the ground and us at home was absolutely awesome. Also will irl kotaku still be used after e3? Read more
Can you make this a regular feature? Like, the two of you chatting about something for five or ten minutes? About’s fun to watch. Read more
The networks are locally overloaded with journalists and bloggers right now, so people trying to upload are getting squeezed out. Their plan actually makes sense. Read more
If you skipped through (or didn’t watch the video), at one point they turn the camera/phone sideways and instead of going to landscape it just turned them sideways. I’m thinking something to do with the app they were using?
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