Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

There was this one time back in the early days of WotLK that I decided to do something fun, solo Deadmines. At the time I was a lvl ~23 BElf Pally, and I was bored. So I very slowly made my way through the dungeon and got to the very end of dungeon and defeated Van Cleef and felt a sense of accomplishment. I'll say Read more

This is the first thing that comes to my mind.

Playing during The Burning Crusade. I hit level 70 and then spent a little more time doing extra quests and selling things on the AH to buy a flying mount. I bought what some in my guild called the "Daz ultra-white challenge" griffon, lined myself up on the path going out Read more

a few months or so my friend and I created new death Knights to level up because why not. After finishing most of the quests e and I are go to ride the skeletal gryphons back to the castle in the sky. I get on fine but he starts swimming through the air like a drunk Peter pan. We laughed for the 20 mins it took him to Read more

Always felt sorry for the little guy myself. He's a model of persistence and someone who will always try to do the right thing no matter what the opposition. A genius in a world of fools, who sees clearly when others can't even see beyond their own noses. I always felt like there was a lot of editorializing about our

I'm surprised you didn't mention the constant "big head" teasing. He doesn't have a big head, but the constant repetition of it by others causes it to become an accepted fact to the point where even he questions whether or not his head is big. Read more

This show means so much to me, thanks T-Dog

Great article. This show was light years ahead of its time. Read more

I was at PAX Prime in 2011 when Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast. I flew into Seattle from New York, so it should be no surprise that my flight home got cancelled, and any immediate routes to get home were quickly booked. Read more

I made a lot of new friends by dressing up as the craziest cosplay I could think of! Here's an album of all the nice people we met at PAX East this year.

I've never even played half of the games people were dressed up as, but if you don't go out of your comfort zone, you never meet new people.
