Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Have you played the game as you seem to have a pretty strong opinion on the product? I ask because last time I checked the game doesn't come out for another 16 or so hours... Read more

Tina Amini: Deputy Editor and Online MP Shooter Lady for Kotaku. Read more

Tina, you're the best reviewer out there right now as far as I'm concerned. Excellent write-up. Read more

Nice review. I love this game, I think it's a shame what turtle rock did with the DLC cause most people seem to be "offing" it without giving it a chance just because *boohoo* I had to pay full price for a game and than some. (you guys didn't seem to mind with Bioshock Infinite but alas) Essentially if you love games Read more

My main problem with the game is the matchmaking. If i queue up with one friend it's constantly putting us into half/completely empty games with bots. Keeps giving me my 2nd or 3rd class choice. Don't put me in a match unless i'm going to be the class i want to play! The progression system makes every match where i Read more

Can we all agree that the developers had to be crazy when building the wraith? Any wraith game is a hunter massacre. I like the game quite a bit but Wraith games make me want to quit instantly. Read more