Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

Ug, just read someone saying this today in regards to games that aren't based on challenge. I point out that there are many games based more on narrative, exploration, or building that have little or nothing to do with challenge, and he scoffed "Well, those aren't really games,then." Read more

I couldn't stop laughing after a match when the game placed me "1th." Read more

Some of those, when players can actually connect to the multiplayer servers, include matches with skewed teams. You can see an example of that in the video above, where player BingeGaming dotTV connects to a Coagulation map (the big map meant for vehicles and snipers, mostly) for a...four versus six match. And he Read more

Even though multiplayer is having its issues, I'm still loving reliving the glory days and playing all of the campaigns. Read more

Experienced my fair share of multiplayer woes, but it happens with a majority of multiplayer releases these days so I chalk it up to server break in and wait it out. The people complaining about save issues I feel might be due to the fact that I'm pretty sure prevous Halo games did NOt autosave. When it says Read more

Isn't the whole point of releasing a remastered version of a game to, you know, improve upon the original source material in some way? Read more

You don't need to play Halo to know that 10 people should make 5x5. Read more

Man, what is up with devs lately? Seems so many games have been released buggier than usual. Though in this case I guess it doesn't surprise me as much. From what it seemed, the MCC was put together in a hurry in an attempt to spur XB1 sales over putting out a quality collection. I could be wrong, but that's how Read more

he probably needs your tears to upgrade an exotic. Read more