From the very first game in the Civilization series through to today, India’s supposedly-peaceful leader Gandhi has…
From the very first game in the Civilization series through to today, India’s supposedly-peaceful leader Gandhi has…
Just Cause 3 is official—a third game in Avalanche's open-world action/adventure series will come to PS4, Xbox One,…
Blizzard's Overwatch is, in the grand scheme of shooters, kinda simple. Each character has one weapon, levels are…
StarCraft II's next expansion—which actually isn't an expansion, but a standalone game, Blizzard says—is all about…
dear god, i can't wait to do this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tina. Read more
People say they don't want it. But somehow, every year, the new installment of Activision's blockbuster FPS series…
If I saw someone doing that in game I think it would make me the happiest person alive. Read more
literally turning on my xbox just to try this out Read more
That's cool and interesting. How long will it be until it gets removed? Read more
I was recently asked some questions about how Kotaku reviews work and figured it's as good a time as ever to provide…
After finishing the first Toy Story, I wouldn't blame anyone for having zero sympathy for Sid Phillips, Andy's mean…
Along with the return of players-versus-bot multiplayer, Advanced Warfare introduces the wonderful Combat Readiness…
Bungie may have patched out that one technique that let you push Atheon off the back of the stage, but intrepid Desti…
They handled this whole situation very poorly, I think. Read more
I agree somewhat. I would still be displeased with the change if they had announced it as a general design change and not an "issue", as I don't agree at all with the philosophy behind the change. However, trying to sell this to the community as a bug or issue comes across as disingenuous at best. That is a larger… Read more
I fully respect the need to have high-level raids/areas like this for the 'hardcore'. It makes sense. Read more
We ran it last night. There is definitely a learning curve for how to tackle the random selection of players. We also had to work out a pecking order for who would pick up the relic when teleported. Some of us had never gone through the gates before. It probably took 15-20 minutes for everyone to be comfortable… Read more