Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

dear god, i can't wait to do this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tina. Read more

If I saw someone doing that in game I think it would make me the happiest person alive. Read more

Hands down the best feature of Destiny. Read more

I was recently asked some questions about how Kotaku reviews work and figured it's as good a time as ever to provide

They handled this whole situation very poorly, I think. Read more

I agree somewhat. I would still be displeased with the change if they had announced it as a general design change and not an "issue", as I don't agree at all with the philosophy behind the change. However, trying to sell this to the community as a bug or issue comes across as disingenuous at best. That is a larger Read more

I fully respect the need to have high-level raids/areas like this for the 'hardcore'. It makes sense. Read more

We ran it last night. There is definitely a learning curve for how to tackle the random selection of players. We also had to work out a pecking order for who would pick up the relic when teleported. Some of us had never gone through the gates before. It probably took 15-20 minutes for everyone to be comfortable Read more

I think most of the backlash is from Bungie calling this a bug. I don't really think this can be attributed to a bug or mistake in coding. I cant imagine it would've made it past play testing. (Or if it did, this is an indication that Bungie needs to up its raid testing game) Read more