I always thought the stuff escaping fallen you headshot is the ether that servitors make. As ive read both that its their blood and simply that its what they depend on for life. So blood makes sense. Still pretty cool video here for a game that i cant for the life of me figure out why im still playing other than… Read more
Thanks so much for including a run down of the video! Read more
I've played way too many hours of Destiny, and I still hadn't pieced together a lot of the intricacies of both its…
Fantasy Life, released today by Nintendo for 3DS, is not so much a video game as it is a to-do list. Playing this…
There's a small tiny ledge at the specific corner they pushed him on which let him warp back into the action (source: article) Read more
Hahaha oh boy. That didn't go over too well, did it?
Today a federal court ruled to dismiss a class-action lawsuit filed against EA for lying about Battlefield 4, a…
If I had to use one word to describe Smash Bros., it would be "mayhem." Oh, hey. That's the exact word I'd use to…
Yesterday, Valve took the indie game Paranautical Activity off Steam following a tweet in which the game's…
Pretty disappointed in this game. I played so much of it and after a while realized that it just wasn't nearly good enough to merit any more playtime. From all the original reveals and even the things that the devs would say- to the actual release and the hobbled grinding game it is now I don't think the game is worth… Read more
7:16 Weapons have no level requirement, only weapon levels. A weapon you get at level 1 is just as effective as a weapon at level 20. This means every weapon is a viable option. Meaning you can use any gun you prefer. Giving you a huge selection. Also this means you can receive amazing weapons even exotics throughout… Read more
Man they need to drop those new areas like now. The game is OK, and it is still pretty fun for me, but it is so damn small. Really all we get to go through are 4 areas, and they are pretty big, but there is very little to do in them. Need some serious additions soon or I won't be playing when DLC does finally… Read more