Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

This isn't too surprising, other than that we actually saw a lot of what got cut or changed. From the level of polish on the gameplay in Destiny and the time and money they spent I'm sure they went through a number of ideas and designs that made it to various levels of completion. That's the basic pattern on any Read more

I'm no huge fan of the dudebro "WHATSUPGUYS" game vids on YouTube - in fact I loathe them. But this guy? This is what I imagine a conversation with grandpa would sound like, if grandpa got really into Destiny and had a Scottish accent. Read more

Great read, Stephen. If anything Gamergate has made me tired, too. I used to read every article, but I just feel as though I can't anymore. It's just depressing. Read more

If you enjoy wasting time is it really time wasted? Read more

It's not 'wasting time,' it's 'training for the future,' and that future is: Couch Olympics. Read more

There is some truth to the 'have confidence, have a good personality, and think positive' advice given here. When I was younger, I used to get gigs as a model. Not humble bragging, just saying I was reasonably attractive. And I dated several men who weren't what society idealizes as attractive men (think older men, Read more

I don't think I'm an atractive man, and I don't think people think that way either about me. But lucky for me, I've never cared enough about that. Read more

I had similar issues through high school and into college. I was fortunate enough to find a good group of friends who stuck with me and helped me build confidence by encouraging me to break out of my social norms. Read more

I've had to answer this question for a really close friend of mine who's overweight and battles with that and his image on a daily basis. I told him that, "no matter what physical shape you're in, you'll continuously run into problems until you have yourself at least halfway figured out."

I think NAS will have to come Read more

I knew this guy in high school who sounds very much like the first guy but with a major difference so I'll just report my findings. Read more

Went to a wedding where a 350 pound dude had a hot date. Granted he played OT at a DI school but it's confidence man. Read more

"Hit the gym" is always good advice, and in this case, it might solve both of this guy's problems. Read more