Tina Amini's saved articles

Tina Amini

How did people let the rest of the world know they were horrible shitheads before the advent of the internet? Read more

what if the crytarch is secretly running some kind of loot pyramid scheme where he keeps the good stuff you bring him and gives you the garbage in return to secretly equip his hive army for battle so they can summon the true hive mind, Bobby Kotick...

Before I had a 360, I had it in my mind that Gamerscore was related to Microsoft Points, and I had it in my head that, if you played really well, you could "buy" DLC for games with your gamescore points. Read more

Having the option to completely turn off trophy/achievement functionality would be nice on both a per game basis and on a PSN/XBL account basis (i.e. having some number next to your avatar). I understand why some like achievements and trophies but I'd like to be able to opt out. Read more

Kevin is an AP English Language teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. His focus is on video games, American pop culture, and Asian American issues. He wrote a weekly column for Complex called "Throwback Thursdays," which spotlighted video games and trends from previous console generations. Kevin has also been Read more

Well if that is the case I need a revision, because I did this from Oct 2013 - April 2014 and it is the home of my PS4 -

I did some calculating and deduced that, since the start of 2013, I've spent $5,485 on games and hardware ... Read more

I managed to get my PS4, Killzone: Shadowfall, and an extra controller for about $405 total (including tax). I had to sign up for a Target card for 5% back, a bunch of old & mostly used game stop cards, game stop credit, a Target gift card, sales, and credit card percent back deals. Read more


I'm pretty close to the lowest for the x1 as well but I actually got a titanfall controller too. Day 1 edition w/ extra titanfall controller and cod ghosts installed for $350 off craigslist. After you count Titanfall and Destiny plus the year of live its closer to $500 but a damn good deal. Read more

as I stated in my post as long as few dollars were regretted than it's money well spent. Only $20 i regret. Read more

Highest: $2,350. No TVs were purchased in this roundup, which seemed to be a large contributing factor to the high costs readers spent on their PS4s and Xbox Ones. Instead, this reader spent most of their Wii U funds on their collection of 106 games.http://kotaku.com/how-much-money... Read more

I was pretty surprised at how much I've put into my Wii U but after looking at all the virtual console games and what-not it makes sense. My 3DS would blow that out of the water. Read more

I'm really hoping they don't do that. IMO Totilo gave it more attention than it should have ever gotten, decided to ban writers from patreons, and then thankfully removed that restriction. Read more