I hear these Phantasy Star IV tunes and I just have to drop everything I’m doing and listen. It instantly teleports me back 25+ years.
I hear these Phantasy Star IV tunes and I just have to drop everything I’m doing and listen. It instantly teleports me back 25+ years.
as some one who was part of the team that did the translation for Capcom’s Sweet Home. Indeed, writing text for NES games was hard due to the space limits. How to get the idea across but fitting in confined limits.
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I might have said this before, but I would absolutely buy a collection of your Kotaku writing in book form, or would just love an essay collection of some sort. I really enjoy your non-fiction work. Read more
If you want to play a NES platformer, and a very easy one, this is a good pick. Good gfx and great music too. Read more
And they kept the song in the reboot!
The DuckTales reboot actually used the Moon Theme on the show!
Any excuse to post some of the best NES-era music ever made.
I have to mention the rebooted DuckTales that started in 2017. The first two seasons are on Disney+. It is excellent! I enjoyed it so much... fun, adventure, really kept the spirit of the original while being properly updated. It’s a joy.
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The Moon stage remains one of favorite levels in any 8-bit game.
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Dang, finally some quality posting and its snatched right away from me. You monster! Read more
Enjoy the hell out of Mega Man Legends, my man. Grand Grenade beats everything if you don’t feel like paying for the Shining Laser. Read more