Owen Good's posts

Owen Good

Angry Joe, the YouTube game critic who weighed in on the wave of copyright enforcement that snagged several of his videos, has offered a followup perspective. So has another YouTuber who believes large "multi channel networks" share in the blame. We've added both videos to the original post. Read more

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Microtransactions don't work exactly like this in NBA 2K14, but this parody video by GoodGameBro clearly communicates how ridiculous some find the practice when it intrudes on their favorite sports game. Actually, you can purchase dunks, they're just signature animations for your created MyPlayer.

A fix that addresses a Battlefield 4 bug "accounting for a quarter of the crashes on PS4," is now live, reports DICE, which also opened a "Top Issues Tracker" thread for all platforms, describing what in the game has been fixed, what is being fixed, and what is under investigation. Read more

Fez has sold one million copies, across all platforms, developing studio Polytron said today in a thank-you message to everyone who bought, stole, or said they were boycotting it. Read more