I self-identify as a straight male-bodied dude, but recently I've taken to playing as a female-bodied character in…
I self-identify as a straight male-bodied dude, but recently I've taken to playing as a female-bodied character in…
Comments section of an article about trolling filled with somebody trolling mobs of people primarily by repeating trolltastic variations of "don't feed the trolls." Read more
My friends and I adopted a "Real Name" policy for major accounts (sony, xbox live, etc.) a year or so ago and it's works out well for us. Read more
Online players need to be held accountable for their actions in some way. I don't know how, but the Internet would be a better place if you couldn't hide behind the veil of online anonymity. The likes of Call of Duty and LoL would be much better games as a result. Read more
"Maybe I'm just a bad person," he said. "Maybe I'm just a bad person."
Before the internet became something everyone used, mods in PC gaming were a weird thing.
Yeah, sorry, it was rape. I really feel ill right now telling someone what rape is because they don't know, but I guess some people don't understand what concessional sex is. Cersei was saying no the entire time. Jamie said he didn't care. Cersei's last words before the scene ended were "NO, stop". That's rape. … Read more
Game of Thrones has been dominating the headlines recently, and not necessarily for all the right reasons. The…
Zoe Quinn doesn't just make heartfelt, experimental games like Depression Quest.She's also pretty set on becoming a…
The Internet is in danger, everyone. That sounds like kind of a silly thing to say, but it's true. While not yet set…
You don't just sideline the Man of Steel, guys…
What was happening in the world of video game news this week one year ago? Well, Nintendo's Wii U was off to a…
Ah yes, Tale of Tales. A professor I know recommended me to their stuff over a year ago when I was doing some preliminary research on unconventional gameplay and interactive experiences in preparation before doing my thesis game project that I just finished. Read more
Of course Kirk would repost this. I imagine him playing a smooth jazz solo while reading it. Read more
I love this. Too often do video game enthusiasts lose their humanity and sociability through introversion. I am glad that an article as so just so happened to grace me; especially since I was feeling immensely melancholic beforehand, effectively setting-the-stage for me to read this article and really be able to… Read more
Nathan, I'm probably not the sort of person who can be "part of the industry" in the strictest, business sense of the phrase, as I don't "make" games, so much as I philosophize about them and plan about what I'll do when I get the opportunity. Regardless, I find your article interesting because it doesn't make… Read more