Out of all the articles to consider yourself funny because you can post "tl;dr" this is not one of them. Some of us like reading longer articles, if you don't, shut the fuck up. Read more
Out of all the articles to consider yourself funny because you can post "tl;dr" this is not one of them. Some of us like reading longer articles, if you don't, shut the fuck up. Read more
Loved the article. Some think it's too long, some think there is too much "fluff" (i.e. they were too lazy to read the whole thing), but I found it to be a very well written and personal story. Lost Levels sounds like a fun gathering, I'll definitely have to check that out if I have the money to fly down next year.… Read more
That was amazing story. I am sorry for your loss, mate. Read more
Please shut up. Read more
There it is. The bench. That exact park bench. It's one of the very first places where I said hello to a friend who…
Well, I'm extremely biased, since my company Lone Shark Games is in Penny Arcade's office, and I did a game design panel with Mike Krahulik. Still, I really thought the space was great, and every time I was there people seemed to be having a good and respectful time. YMMV. Read more
There were official "Roll for Diversity" lanyards and panel schedules (panels were separate from the lounge itself) for those who wanted them, but it's like I always say: if you want to hide your deepest, darkest secrets where nobody will ever find them, put them on a convention lanyard. Read more
I think this is a good step for PAX, but personally I like the way Yaoicon handles things. Teach everybody respect for everybody, right up front, and let people know that douchenozzley shenanigans will not be tolerated. Have panels that are diverse and attract everybody, all promoted equally. Acknowledge and accept… Read more
Why is there a "Diversity" Lounge in the first place? Shouldn't they just be invited to be there with everyone else? Ya know, like real life? Seems like it's a great idea from the guys at PAX, and a step in the right direction, but ends up being some weird disservice to those who identify as "diverse." Read more
Oh hey I was one of the the four people playtesting thornwatch, my friend was the "guard" pictures above. We had a blast, and I thought he handle it really well. It didn't seem like making amends or groveling, but acknowledging that the area didn't get a lot of traffic, and advertising without making a big deal. It… Read more
I hope that I'm interpreting the article correctly, but if so then I'm really glad to hear that the lounge was generally successful and attendees and visitors enjoyed it. Although the article title and tone suggests that it was lacking, quoted interviewees seemed generally positive, which was great to read. I hope… Read more
Can any other convention really claim anything like this? I know GDC usually has some talks about diversity, but I can't recall seeing anything like this at another convention. It's an interesting addition, I'm curious to see how it works out given the inherent realities of the gaming community. Read more
Ubiquitous webcomic Penny Arcade's taken some rather poor stances on diversity in the past, leading some people (myse…
What was happening in the world of video-game news this week one year ago? Well, Bethesda "moved on" from Skyrim, LA…
Despite the amount of annoyance that console fanboys have caused me over the years as a person writing about video…