Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

I proudly wear my Bob Ross shirt at least once a week.

IMO the problem started with the joke itself, but then escalated when they issued a joke apology. They could have easily said, "Hey, this offended some of you guys, and we're sorry. We're not taking it down, but we acknowledge that the joke was in somewhat poor taste, and we will move on, keeping that in our minds Read more

I completely disagree with your main reason with not attending PAX. But I'm completely happy with your very well-thought and admitted opinion piece. Read more

a great idea pulled off well. I'd like to encourage more of this. And encourage the editors to keep an eye on this to see if it could be a long term feature. Read more


Am I the only one that thinks that this is one of the coolest ideas to come to the Rift? Read more

They should have made this guy fade in at some point.

So this is the first game in history that can make you trip.... Nice! Read more

Excellent article. I really don't know what to highlight or comment on specifically since it's all so very good and important.
Well, i can only add that i know exactly how Mattie Brice felt, i've been in such situations too... you just learn to play along and let things hurt you, because you don't want to be a killjoy.

b Read more

"I am a straight white dude with normal interests" Read more

I've never understood why people are so obsessed with, and as much as I hate this term it's early so I'm going to use it, 'labels' or 'labeling oneself'. What do you gain from it? Read more