Nathan Grayson's saved articles

Nathan Grayson
Kotaku senior reporter. Beats: Twitch, streaming, PC gaming. Writing a book about streamers tentatively titled "STREAMERS" to be published by Atria/Simon & Schuster in the future.

We as the gamers who buy these creations also have a lot of work to do. We drive what is "normal" and "acceptable" with the money we spend on games and our discussions of them. We should be mindful to go out of our way to support games like Dominique Pamplemouss to show we do care about these issues. Bringing the Read more

"As I created my character, I discovered that, along with the standard 'man' and 'woman' options, I could also choose to be a 'person of mysterious and indistinct gender. [...] When I realized that choosing that third option felt more right than anything, that I didn't have to be a defective woman or a defective Read more

I hereby propose a reality show about the filming of a reality show about indie game developing. Read more

Poor man's Ben Kingsley-looking motherfucker.

Giving us bearded bald men a bad name.

Great write up on a messy series of events. When you read the different accounts they all seem to be in agreement that this was doomed from pretty early on. Read more


At least we have the Amnesia Fortnight videos! Read more

Goddamn I hate reality shows. So much bullshit.
Game jams are not supposed to be like this. The actual process isn't actually all that interesting. It's interesting to see conversations between developers, how ideas come to fruition, but a lot what a game jam is is a bunch of intelligent designers frantically typing Read more

Drama is horrendous, glad it got cancelled. This show would have been like the god awful Silicon Valley drama-induced, "reality" equivalent to indie game jams. Read more

So THAT's what Freddie did after the Mystery Machine gang grew apart. Read more

While that all sounds like a horrible experience, I'm at least happy that Quinn felt inspired to do something far closer to what the original goal for the show should have been. Here's hoping he can get if off the ground. Read more

Man, I know the feeling. I've been playing Dark Souls, and the Darkroot Garden/Forest Hunters areas have the best feeling to them. There's the wind in the trees, and the water falls – it's amazing.

Man, just give me SpaceEngine ( with the Rift, and I'm pretty sure I could get happily lost in space forever. It sounds like the kind of program you're talking about, Nathan. Read more