There's a nice look back on various forms of copy protection and games. If you make it, they will pirate it - and…
There's a nice look back on various forms of copy protection and games. If you make it, they will pirate it - and…
Well, it reads like an essay, but this piece by David Hayward is actually a transcript of a talk given at the "Under…
GamerBytes, the new blog in the Game Developer/Gamasutra/GameSetWatch line up, chatted with some developers to get…
One of the benefits of teaching on a collegiate level is that "fun" can frequently go out the window (as one of my…
Lightspeed, a venture capital firm, checked out the average revenue per user for some casual, free to play MMOGs (Clu…
Gamasutra has an interesting piece up that celebrates the art of thoughtful thievery — based around the idea that…
There's a lot of dissatisfaction regarding how games are reviewed coming from a number of quarters; there is an…
"A game is a game is a game" — are they? The plethora of popular card and board game adaptations — and their…
Nick Montfort and Andrew Stern have published the text of their very interesting speech given at the Electronic…
The latest GameCareerGuide "Game Design Challenge" is to rename Katamari Damacy: if you had been working for Namco…
Emily Short has a thought provoking post over on her blog regarding interactive fiction for the "hard-casual" crowd.…
Gamasutra has an interesting look up at the MMO free to play/micro-transaction vs. traditional subscription model up…
In a somewhat bizarre interview with The Times Online, Nancy Smith (head of the Sims division at EA) said that " in…
While Second Life is still a media darling (though I think the general press is down in number of articles touting…
Hong Kong games retailer Renchi is making a nice gesture, and has pledged 10% of all sales through June 20 to…
Over at PopMatters, the capstone of a nine-part series by L.B. Jeffries; this edition's topic is the problems with…
Gamasutra has a nice wrap up of an event held at Valve's Washington offices; the topic was (surprise!) PC gaming. On…
We historians are a little protective of our respective domains — but a constant (and well-deserved) criticism we…
In an effort to make learning Chinese less painful (and ostensibly to capitalize on the 'MMO as language learning…
I've mentioned Michael Abbot's efforts at putting together a great syllabus for his 'history of RPGs' class, which…