The August '08 Blogs of the Round Table is up, with the subject being what positive lessons writers have learned…
The August '08 Blogs of the Round Table is up, with the subject being what positive lessons writers have learned…
In totally unsurprising news, China's game market continues to climb — numbers just posted for the second quarter…
A few weeks ago, Bonnie Ruberg wrote about a few gripes with Google Lively's user interface and chat system; Mark…
Jason Rohrer's 'Game Design Sketchbook' has an interesting meditation up on the nature of single player game…
Malcolm Ryan is putting together a most interesting list of game design-related books — except these are the ones…
Preservation of 'new media' has gotten some attention in recent months — a lot of venerable collections are moving…
I've really been enjoying GameSetWatch's series called 'The Game Anthropologist,' which (among other things) looks…
I've been keeping my eye on the "Stephen M. Cabrinety Collection" blog, which is a blog corollary to part of…
I was chatting with a fellow Chinese historian this weekend when he confessed that his interest in Chinese history…
Michael Abbott of the Brainy Gamer has a nice little roundup of some of the current thinking on narrative designs…
The Escapist has an interesting article up on mainstream industry types who went indie — it delves into the…
While the weekend timewasters at Kotaku are generally free, and Now Boarding — an indie time management/sorting…
The first time I fired up Braid on my laptop, I was immediately struck by the lovely and lush environments — 'It's…
Via Terra Nova comes a fascinating paper by Richard Heeks that covers the historical, social, and economic aspects…
During my practically nonexistent downtime, I wandered down to check out the offerings at the E3 installation of Indi…
I really like the idea of turning classic literature into games, mostly in the form of parodies (but moderately…
Are the ridiculous, wild goose chase puzzles of classic adventure games obsolete? Michael Abbott at the Brainy…
Bored this summer? GamesRadar has an appallingly expansive (10 pages!) listing of a wide, wide variety of games…
Ian Bogost has an interesting editorial over at Edge Online entitled 'The End of Gamers,' a title which he admits…
Paul Tozour has put up an entertaining video over at the Game/AI blog on the problem of pathfinding - which could…