Luke Plunkett's saved articles

Luke Plunkett
Luke Plunkett is a Senior Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs

Procedural crap, most likely. By having Sweeny identify the consoles, it shows that he possesses knowledge about them and can testify on that regard. It’s a bit stupid, but if a lawyer has the choice between doing stupid shit for the sake of safety, or assuming common sense will prevail, they’re going to pick option Read more

My guess is to build the case that Tim Sweeney understands comparisons and recognizes the items being questioned. It applies in this case because Sweeney was asked if he was aware of how much money his game made on Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo products, and then if he was aware that those store fronts take a 30% Read more

Because courts are often idiotic. As a former court reporter, I’ve on numerous occasions seen lawyers ask either witnesses or experts identify common day objects to the court “That is a teapot. That is a butcher’s knife. That is a cutting board” .. etc. Very stupid. Read more

It’s been a fantastic way for me to be discovered by bots promising nudes that I was always sure I never wanted. Read more

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you Read more

I drift in and out of paying attention to the this is the first I’m hearing about Gootecks descent into fuckery. It’s disappointing.
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Me: “You know, games should really broaden the scope of sex and or sexuality within the medium. I’d like to see some bigger budget games really take a crack at this so that it might make the creation of that genre more appealing and acceptable 

[Monkey’s Paw curls a finger]

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He mentioned Wargroove in the second paragraph and the rest of the article is explaining his reasoning for the comparison to Advance Wars and the very specific way this game reminds him of it. Sometimes it pays to go beyond the headline before you comment. Read more

I hadn’t heard of this place until yesterday, and after spending 15+ minutes stumbling through it, I kept thinking “This is the house from Resident Evil 7, only with the lights turned on.” Read more

Wow, deeply weird that an Ubisoft creative director from back in their rampant sexual harassment wild boy days would have a flagrant yellow peril take. Just curious and curiouser. Read more

One of these dudes for sure bought like $100 in Ultimate Team packs and ended up with like an ultra rare Philip Rivers and just snapped.
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It’s good that she understands the problem and has no malice towards Nintendo on this one. To answer the question posed in the article, the difference is largely optics (if she’s a big Tiktok entertainer then Nintendo would absolutely notice her more than random etsy or deviantart pages) and two her intent to Read more

Did they patch out the ability of 2 year olds to get into drunken brawls? Because that happened to me last time I played. Read more

not to mention, this is one of the shittier cons

both in terms of offerings and management Read more

A “misconfigured Elasticsearch cluster” sounds like a narrative contrivance that might prevent Doc Brown from sending the DeLorean back to 1985. Read more

As someone who worked at gamestop a long time, I guarantee they will do everything they can to get people not to buy the digital only xbox.  Read more

I’ll credit Chuck for sticking to his guns here, he’s explained why he’s absent from the game on Inside the NBA for the last few years. Read more

These are great. It’s illuminating to see the walk cycles abstracted from their games like he says, but it’s also remarkable how quickly they evoke the games they come from. Hell, just seeing the Bloodborne one makes me want to play it again. Read more

Didn’t take long for the dipshits to appear complaining about this article being “political” when it’s commenting on a game that is deliberately portraying cold war politics for fun. Read more