Crusader Kings II had the best patches, so its sequel Crusader Kings III has a lot to live up to. It’s off to a good start though, with its first update today full of welcome changes both big and small.
Here, for your pleasure, are some highlights:
You can no longer attempt to find dead people’s secrets
You can no longer be tortured to confess a secret you don’t know
You can no longer remove your vassal’s guardians all nilly willy
You can no longer lose a friend you didn’t have
You will no longer be stressed out if a spouse you dislike dies
The Pope can no longer publicly accept cannibalism
Svend II of Denmark now spawns as either bisexual or heterosexual
Sneaky people will now wear sneaky clothes
Children can no longer start a literalist debate
I love this game so much.
A couple of things in particular are worth pointing out though. Firstly, anyone dabbling in the dark arts can now hold the “Dark Rite” event, which hasn’t been working since launch, and secondly there are now more things for modders to play with, which is always nice.
Also, if you decide to read the full list and don’t really know what all these changes may actually mean, there’s a handy explainer on the game’s Reddit (made by Leana Hafer), which turns:
Discouraged the AI from doing naval invasions when land invasions are feasible
The AI should no longer decide in the middle of a war that a boat trip would be fun when the wargoal is like a kilometer away by land