The National Portrait Gallery unveiled two new paintings of George and Laura Bush last week. Laura's shows her…
The National Portrait Gallery unveiled two new paintings of George and Laura Bush last week. Laura's shows her…
The Tehran Times is reporting that Iran has joined the Entertainment Software Rating Board. That's right. Iran.
Gamers are sure to find all kinds of gaming goods under the tree this holiday season. But some, however, may only…
Regardless of whether or not your kids believe in Santa Claus, the point is you can't leave your Lancer just laying…
Sony must have taken a lesson from Nintendo and decided to go out and get their own license to print money. Where…
We've already had our fair share of Game of the Year awards, now it's time to find out what everyone has just been dy…
The latest update for Sony's tactical shooter won't quite make it in time for the holidays.
It's all in Japanese, so I can't really say what any of it says. Whatever you do, make sure you check out Tim's impre…
Are you ready for 3D? Sony certainly is. According to one CEO, the Playstation 3 will be ready to display in 3D…
What's that? You say you wanted a new Breath of Fire game? Well, it seems like you'll be waiting even longer now…
Oh shit, son! You betta bring it! Characters from Halo and UT3 'bout to throw down, not with guns, but with moves.…
Were you one of the lucky folks to get their hands on a SSFIITHDR Press Kit? No? Well get ready to pony up!
A top 10 list of the most downloaded games on Sony's PSN for 2008 was released today. Did your favorite downloadable…
Capcom has revealed the Street Fighter IV Collector's Edition for both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 in North…
SCEE president David Reeves had some interesting words when asked about Sony's future plans on growing their global…
The New York Times interviewed Microsoft’s Shane Kim about what the company has in store for the Xbox 360 beyond…
Michael Rudder, voice actor for video games such as Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell, was finally released from an… put together a nice list of every video game movie scheduled to come over the next few years. Did you…
As expected, more flash games based off Sunday's Presidential shoe throwing incident have made their way onto the…
Capcom has confirmed that the North American demo of Resident Evil 5 will be hitting early in the New Year. Better…