Because games are great and I believe we should take them seriously. Read more
Because games are great and I believe we should take them seriously. Read more
Honestly, and I think a few people are saying this, a tweak that could make it work is adjusting the number/availability of vehicles so there’s even more. My big issue with the map, as it is now, is that the huge size kinda feels a bit underutilized. Read more
If you ignore the tentpole system for hunting down and assassinating people, sure. (But yes, I know what you mean. It’s so nice to see a hidden blade!) Read more
There’s definitely some panic moments, but for all of the horror stories I hear about folks bitching during duties or whatever I’ve found most players have been really patient and accommodating.
Sure, you need to still be good in a general sense, but folks are pretty good about giving bits of advice or explaining… Read more
I’ve been grinding out a lot of stuff and while dungeons are neat, the big stuff is definitely the most exciting for sure. Having another healer to coordinate with is a real plus! Read more
I’ve been figuring that out as well. DoTs help and I’m sneaking it whatever else I can. The further I push into other raids, the more it’s become something on my mind. Read more
Honestly, they just need to put it on PC. (I will cry if they do.) Read more
Absolutely free! Just download the patch and hop into Galactic Conquest. Read more
General Shockrates! You are a bold one! Read more
I’m trying to be cautiously optimistic. I have fond memories of RDR1 online with my buddy, and I remember how wild and rough GTA Online was a launch. This is about in line with my expectations for now. It’s not great, but it leaves a lot of room to grow into something interesting.
The lack of activities will definitely… Read more
It’s a “normal” character creator with decently diverse body types. No need to mash two faces together and hope for something good this time. Read more
There’s definitely folks lurking around Blackwater and getting into big gun fights, but I’ve only had a handful of really dire encounters. Read more
I think having more concrete details this time as to the severity around helps it matter. It’s also important given how often we praise the game’s (genuinely impressive) detail. It’s important to remember where that came from and, hopefully, talking about it consistently—while holding future developers accountable—can… Read more
It’s the asterisk that should follow this game wherever it goes. Read more
Oh wow, it’s nearly a year later and I’m secretly preparing my 2018 list. But! That has me thinking about about this list and I have to say that in retrospect, I would have liked to find a place for Night in the Woods on there.
I hadn’t played it in time for this list but I do think it is one of the best games of… Read more
I don’t think that’s the case either because I ran into a situation where I needed help and couldn’t access my review copy and they weren’t able to help me. Nor did they particularly trust that my copy was legit. Read more
I gotcha, friend. Read more
Kirk was my editor. He wrote that RDR2 that got all philosophical.
Here’s a crack at what you want:
“Battlefield V is a multiplayer game with six maps, most of which are good. There are four classes returning from previous games: Assault, Medic, Recon, and Support. You can level each class to 20 to unlock new guns and… Read more
As far as I could tell, yeah. It’s not so bad once you have a gun you really like (I unlocked my MP40 for the Medic super early and kept with it.) But it’s still annoying. Read more