Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Yeah, I feel that. I think my big thing is that it just kinda exists in this empty space when I’d prefer something more tactile. Especially for Battlefield. I’d rather tinker with the gear and really kitbash my weapon than simply know that some stats went up because I hit the next upgrade node. Read more

That was a big complaint of this article that I wrote. I think the First Civ stuff is some of the most interesting content in the game (and it’s essential to Kassandra’s story) but Odyssey’s decision to sort-of partition it from the “main” family plot is a huge mistake. Read more

Super hard disagree. That stuff is what allows Assassin’s Creed to do some of it’s boldest and more experimental work. And it’s not like it prevents the historical stuff from being good. I don’t think it does for Odyssey and it never really did for games like AC3 or Black Flag either. Read more

It definitely feels more broad and action-y. I’m not as into that compared to Battlefield 1. That game had a lot more weight to it. In the movement, in the tone, in how the weapons worked.

That said, there have been moments for me with Battlefield V where all the constituent parts combine into some really great Read more

If you can find a way to play and ‘support’ the original, please do. It’s one of the few games that legit scares the hell out of me. And it’s still surprising me every time I boot it up. Read more

Right. This game is really playing it fast and loose with the character’s deafness, which is another thing that makes me question what it’s actually going for.  (Which honestly might have just been writing “no sound” on the chalkboard of ideas.) Read more

Me. Because The Bouncer was fuckin’ dope as gosh. I hooked that thing up to my Framemeister recently and played it in wonderful 1080p and it was both the dumbest thing imaginable and also 100% perfect. Read more

Well, the criticism is that the artificiality of the people clashes with the game’s desire to present a “real” space (which is best observable in the attention to details elsewhere, and especially in the spaces outside towns) It’s not that this is Not Real Enough™, it’s that the player-centric approach to NPC design Read more

It’s definitely not about raw realism (ie. FULL SIMULATION) so much as removing NPCs from the tyranny of the player. As for solutions, it’s hard to figure out but I actually think that as much as The Elder Scrolls series is mocked for robotic character acting, the fact that they have observable lives that aren’t Read more

A little bit, yeah. The theatricality of NPC interactions feels incompatible with space it is taking place in. Read more

For me, it’s because Red Dead Redemption 2's extra world details point towards a larger desire to simulate something real and actual. That impulse and the details that go into it are directly at odds with the people in the world itself, who cannot ever be real or have agency because they exist (perhaps here even more Read more

Fair enough place as any to say that we’re here and not going anywhere. And we’re not anyone’s punchline. Read more

Let’s be real. If I was working at Rockstar I would not just suddenly feel able to actually complain about any concerns or worries I have. This is less a chance for folks to legitimately open up and more like when Amazon warehouse workers are like “It’s fine! I never even think about urinating anymore!” Read more

This is a result of Discord lurking and talking to speedrunner friends actually. I hope to sit down with some of them to do a proper “State Of” update on BotW speedrunning down the road. Read more

The mercenary stuff is apparently busted, according to this Tweet that just went up. Read more