Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Took me 4 hours and 42 minutes, according to the end of game tally. Maybe a bit more because I had to reset a chapter once? It’s brisk. One or two sessions should do ya good. Read more

It’s more body-horror and psychological. There’s some monsters and stuff, but I can’t recall any big jump scares or anything if that’s your worry. Read more

I’m at 82% on my trophy count on Odyssey and while it’s tempting to focus only on that I think I’m actually going to take a break from Greece and focus on The Missing. I love SWERY games and this is both a really sweet game with a LOT of queer subject and this super interesting, very bloody experience and I want to Read more

The mercenary system is a bit closer in terms of something that’s cribbing the Nemesis system’s core concepts. Thats a range of mercenaries with names, backstories, and traits that you can take down but who also hunt you down based on notoriety. The system also refills with new mercs to give a sense of a continually Read more

Then don’t buy it. I’m 100% serious. Not even joking. That’s your way of flexing again Ubisoft, because if you—even presumably as someone who hasn’t played the game—are really that put off, then you gotta speak a language that companies hear, y’know? Read more

No part of my review says that, for what it’s worth. I’m with you; I don’t like microtransactions in any form. They’re all predatory to a degree, and that’s by design. But for what it’s worth (and I hope that my saying so means something) I never felt I was outleveled or being guided towards these purchases. Read more

Actually, yeah. This is a super good tip. Definitely worth having and essential by the time you hit the arena. Read more

My experience is that I didn’t touch anything in the in-game store and only found leveling to be slow as I reached the very end. But it was not to the point that I felt unable to clear any content even then. Read more

I have 200 Helix credits that I don’t know how I got, but I’m not even sure if the in-game store was working while I was playing, so I never spent them. Read more

I could not disagree more. I had no trouble progressing through this game. Read more

The first. But some of the romances are tied to quests that will span the full game, so it’s not like you screw and then never see each other again. Read more

My hope is that such questions will be less unusual in reviews, particularly with Red Dead on the horizon. Read more

Partially because not every player has the same time/freedom to pursue it all but more seriously because it’s essential to elaborating on Kassandra’s fate and some pretty hefty narrative themes. Read more

I’m not sure sure what you were expecting but I think it mostly works out. Read more

A lot of priestesses, a kickass lady claiming to be descended from Odysseus, pretty sure I could have romanced this really tough Spartan guy, and there was a rebel leader plotting against Delos’ tyrannical ruler that I really liked. There’s a lot of flirting options and most were really fun! Read more

So after years of me never having the chance to review an AC game, having been in college and freelancing and now finally worked my ass to this moment in time, I finally get a chance say that I think that people bitched too much about Assassin’s Creed III? Read more