Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

I haven’t read it so I can’t judge, but I’ll definitely stress that this isn’t a game that feels completely stable or finished. I like the combat and I’m definitely a sucker for the setting, but this is isn’t a game I’d recommend outside of genre fans. Read more

I’m still adjusting and have never really quite liked how CoD feels to play, but I’ve mostly enjoyed myself. It’s a nice, if very fast alternative to PUBG. (Even if I’ll still be playing that more probably.) Read more

That’s definitely a valid way to approach it. One thing I kept in mind as I played is something one of the game’s art directors told me at a press event. Which was that this is Spider-Man’s New York.

But I guess, for me, that still means I can ask questions about how that New York relates to the real one. I know not Read more

I’ve thought about that, for sure. There’s still a very clear delineation between how the game handles policing as a whole compared to the very brief moment we have to deal with Fisk’s goons.

Which is to say that I don’t really think the game engages with that in the most superficial way. I definitely acknowledge what Read more

Yeah, this is a good chance to think about how superheroes dovetail with the real world and what that means especially for one of NYC’s best.

It definitely doesn’t mean Pete needs to stop being an idealist or that Yuri needs to give an hour long civics lesson. But given the world we live in, I think even comic-book Read more

Someone else asked this and, honestly, I almost wrote another paragraph about this in the review but opted not to. The rank system still really prioritizes active play, which means that scout rushes are still a thing if you want high ranks with consistency.

Still, I found that playing on your own terms and setting up Read more

Rosetta’s one of my best scouts! I’ve only done so many squad stories and so far, they don’t really comment on the gender stuff. It just exists. Not ideal but for any folks out there worrying about a Persona situation I can say that, for me, it’s been fine. So far.
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Apologies. The internet is a wild place and stressful place for a games journo. Easy to assume the negative, y’know? Read more

Some of that’s still here with the ranking system, which puts Scouts at a premium. But I think things are a bit more balanced. I was making my mortar units specialized in anti-vehicle or personnel, spreading out snipers, and thinking pretty tactically. Even if the game wanted to mostly give me points for having my Read more

It can be hard when the enemies pull a new gimmick or weapon out of nowhere, yeah. But the combat system is honestly one of the best conceivable for a tactics game.  Read more

Right. I think some people are reading the headline of “slow” and going “Well, good. I don’t want this to be COD.” But I’m talking less about the feel of running around and shooting than the fact that menus need quality of life stuff or else your session has a lot of odd starts and stops. Read more

Here’s a thing to note: the raw gunplay and running around feels faster, ala BF3, but these changes do some strange things to the actual pace of play sessions. There’s a lot more hovering around key supply locations and interrupting the flow of matches to go spend cash on upgrades. So while the actual gameplay is Read more

I’m keeping to the mainline games (2, Solid, Solid 2, Solid 3, Solid 4, Peace Walker, and Solid V) but I dohope to cover Revengeance as well. I consider it just as good, and often better than, any of the Kojima led games. Not to shill too much here, but I actually wrote a full length book on that game. I think it’s Read more

Nope. You can play without being in the VR mode, even when you’re wearing the PSVR. It’s like a toggle. Read more