Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

I think Yakuza 0 is an astounding game and a great starting point. I’d totally suggest starting with it. 6 does a good job of bringing people up to speed but I think it’s best to really experience the series. Read more

I’ve really neglected SOS flares and this is a really good tip for making them more useful. Read more

“If you’re looking to play with friends or members of your squad (basically the game’s version of guilds,) you can invite them to your session through an option in the pause menu. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need....”
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We stopped and played it through a two person minigame option in the main menu. It also has Puyo Puyo. Read more

I appreciate that echoes run slightly faster than the player to encourage them to sprint and teach the enemies to do the same. Read more

It happens so long as the lights are turned on. Anything you do in the light is recorded. Do it enough times, the echoes can use it in the net cycle. Read more

A little “Assist” marker shows up on your save but that’s pretty much it. You can’t turn the mode off and remove it from your pause menu but you can just keep the normal settings and play the game like it was. Read more

I can actually give an overly wordy answer to this! Often, we write about things we have been playing or stories sourced from people we’re interviewing in the long term. With some aggregation tossed in to show off cool happenings. And, of course, news. Read more

I, a gaming snob who buys peripherals, recommend playing on a PC (or Xbox, I guess) using the absurdly comfortable Xbox Elite controller. Read more

Give me a minute. I’m writing a mod to make this comment less cynical. Read more

It can definitely get tricky. The prototype was astounding difficult. It has one room that I spent nearly forty minutes on. Read more

I mean, that’s all super subjective. Having attempted a lot of this stuff on my own time and struggled, I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who can consistently perform such demanding tricks. Implying that a runner who can do that stuff isn’t using “actual” game mechanics (they are) or somehow isn’t good at Read more

You now hold the world record in ThisComment%. :)

For real though, and understand I’m not coming at you personally here, this is a comment that I hear every time I write about runs or glitches. The amount of work and technical skill it takes to perform this stuff is steep as heck and always fascinating to report on. Read more

Kotaku is staffed by a ton of awesome people with different tastes in games. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don’t. For instance, Luke loves Persona 5  but I think it’s only kinda decent maybe I dunno gosh. (We both think Makoto is rad though.) Read more

“Don’t wanna go down that road right there. ‘Bout a year ago a journalist was crushed under a pile of loot boxes down that road.” Read more

Pretty much agree, yeah. It’s definitely fun and there’s a solid core loop of gathering and crafting that I think some folks will really like. But it definitely feels like mish-mash of a lot of things, none of which are too inspiring. Read more