Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

I’m just seeing this. I’m always recording with my capture card so I just use the footage from that. Read more

They should save automatically in the replay section of the main menu after each match. You can then save them to view later. Read more

I honestly think you might be able to get away with this sort of thing if you were listening to footsteps close enough. That’s what I was mostly doing since the camera goes a bit wonky once you’re behind the crate. Read more

Continuing my misadventures in Skyrim tomorrow but I’ve been playing more Battlegrounds with friends again and I’ve really enjoyed myself. Will watch LA Valiant/Dallas Fuel OWL match tonight before hopefully getting some chicken dinner. Read more

Thanks for the additional details. I’m not super well versed on this stuff but it’s pretty interesting. Read more

I can’t imagine he meant B-52s. I’m not much of a military history gal but I do know most of them were dismantled or converted to conventional-only because of the New START Treaty. Read more

I couldn’t shoehorn it into the post so: don’t give up, skeleton! Read more

Esports, more than traditional sports, have a unique opportunity to really diversify the kind of players and athletes we get to see. That OWL and team owners bend over backwards to much to justify the status quo is pretty exhausting. I’m somewhat sympathetic to arguments about team cohesion but nothing happens unless Read more

It’s pretty common. I had a guy rush and kill me with a hatcher last night because I thought he wasn’t in melee range yet. Read more

Damn, I didn’t remember a thing from an Arma mod that peaked in 2013. What will I doooooo? *implodes* Read more

Sort of? I don’t remember carrying the same gear between matches in Arma/DayZ. It’s closer to The Division’s Dark Zone with smatterings of STALKER. Read more

I really like RE7 because the game already encourages fast playthroughs on replay to get special items. My fastest was 2:24:07.

The game’s also pretty easy to understand so when you put it in the hands of a runner like Carcinogen who knows their stuff and is also great at giving commentary, it really shines. This run Read more

Because I genuinely don’t care about what’s intended and never will. Games are possibility spaces; what matters isn’t what a developer planned but rather what can be achieved or accomplished. They made their game; we’re the ones playing it. Besides, you lose nothing if someone decides to skip Darker Side except some Read more

It’s pretty simple and straight forward. You can’t disable HDCP on the PS3 (or at least if you can now, I’ve not checked since this already works) so I have my HDMI going from the console to a splitter. Another cable then goes from the splitter to my capture card and into my PC. Read more

Had to cancel early because there was a fire downstairs. Sorry friends, we’ll pick this up next week. Read more