Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Not sure about the version but I’ll probably stick with a rogue-type. Although really, there’s so many ways to break Skyrim from hidden chests to alchemy loops that I’ll probably smith some type of god-slaying iron dagger. Read more

I’m starting up Skyrim on our Twitch channel, in preparation for what I hope will be a very in-depth look at the game now that we have enough distance to be honest about it. Read more

You know, I always think this will happen when I post stuff but it’s usually fine. Some places are getting a bit hotter from word of mouth (Pecado gym, the starting prison island seeing more use) but I think a lot of this will remain useful. Read more

I messed around in El Pozo today during a top ten and my big take is that I like hiding on top of those concrete silos towards the west end of the city. Read more

My PoV on your PoV is that you need to learn what clickbait actually is. Read more

I feel honor bound to balance this footage with a clip of me not sucking so here’s some wonderful Kar98 marksmanship as a palate cleanser:
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I always suggest Yakuza 0 over Kiwami. It’s the better game since Kiwami keeps a lot of early installment weirdness that Zero smooths out. That said, Kiwami is still one of the best starting points you could ask for. Read more

Preeeetty sure I’m going to get back to streaming on our Twitch channel by starting up a playthrough of Yakuza 4. It’s my personal favorite while I’d played the original it was my reintroduction to the series after a long time. Great cast and it’s always wonderful to explore Kamurocho.  Read more

Now playing

I didn’t really have a good place to put it into the post but Redd’s currently working on a mecha game called Blazing Legion: Ignition that looks rad as hell.

This is no hard feelings toward you but I’m burnt out on accusations of spoilers at this point. I can’t breathe without someone suggesting those breaths to have spoilers too, y’know? Read more

I see the appeal but it didn’t grab me as much as I thought it would. Especially coming out around the same time as Breath of the Wild, which is a spectacularly designed game. I think I’m a bit burned out on open world games. Horizon might be one of best realizations of the form though, for folks who like that Read more

It was on my shortlist. I actually like playing Nioh more than Bloodborne if I’m being honest. Bloodborne is still the *better* game though.

Other honorable mentions included Echo, The Evil Within 2, Tacoma, and Prey. Read more

I’d play Zero and then Kiwami. You can hold out and wait for Kiwami 2, if you’d like but otherwise you’re safe to skip to Yakuza 4 (my favorite!) and 5. Read more