Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

That’s a trickier and I was actually just talking about it with Stephen since he’s been playing through Nioh and did a ton more sidequests and stuff than I could for my review. He’s much higher level than I was at the end of the game because he’s done a ton of stuff. Has about 80 hours on the clock while my Read more

This is something I think about a lot so I’m going to write a bit more than the usual reply. The reality is that there’s never been a review I haven’t enjoyed even if time can sometimes be tight. That includes games I’m more negative on like Yooka-Laylee. The process is always interesting even if the pace can be a bit Read more

No healthbars but if you die, you get to see how close you were to the end. It’s pretty helpful for figuring out phases and when you might want to go wild with super moves. Read more

It did! I wouldn’t post a review unless I’d actually finished the game. Some bosses took longer than others, a few were breezy. It felt well balanced.

That said, as a general rule you can assume that casual playtime will be a bit higher than what got me through the game. Playing at a reviewer’s pace usually means Read more

I was enraptured the whole time. I’ve heard folks say that this game is nothing but an art-style but those visuals mix with the gameplay to create a great time. Even if I died, I was eager to keep going so I could see the art and listen to the catchy tunes. Read more

Wand of Gamelon has a really rough start and because you travel a lot, it can get easy to get lost. Also, fuck Washubi Swamp. But if I have to pick from the wo, Wand of Gamelon is better. Not as many bullshit enemies and bosses. Plus, Koridai is just depressing. Read more

Yeah, Arin and Danny do a real good job capturing just how wild these games are. I still think folks should try to play them and see for themselves but if not, that’s a great Let’s Play alternative. Read more

Hey gang, this slipped my mind yesterday but folks have asked me about ways they can help the Forgey family. This campaign for making personal donations directly. Read more

Purely speculative but I image a PC version may happen. Companies tend to be more proactive about these things when there are impending products. Nintendo with AM2R and Samus Returns, for instance. Read more

I definitely want to play Zelda’s Adventure but that’s one of the few games I just flat out can’t get to work. I’d love to grab a console and copy to rectify that but it’s really hard to justify. Read more

I had lots of lemonade and gained some weight for this role that I’m working off now with a cleanse and late night park jogs. Read more

That’s Faces of Evil. Which I promise we will get to very shortly. Read more

You know they’re not submitting it for a leaderboard or anything, right? This is purely for fun. You should try to have some from time to time. Read more

“Actually playing” is a nothing statement because what constitutes “actual play” varies from person to person. These runners have “actually played” OoT plenty. They know it backwards and forwards, far better than any of us. Read more

It can be scary, I know, because it sometimes feels like you’re stuck on train tracks and can’t go back. But even if you hit bumpy point, you just focus on the ride. There’s good stuff here, y’know? Focus on that. Read more

You don’t ever meet the husband as far as I’m aware. It happens a lot with characters in this game; they give you glimpses of their situations or thoughts but the world is incomplete in a lot of ways. I kinda like it that way. Read more