Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

If any of you folks rep a faction other than Future War Cult, you’re dead to me. Read more

You definitely need some buddies to get the most out of it, looks like. I thought it was a ton of fun and want to see more. Read more

I’ve always been in favor of a point raised by Noah Gervais (and reinforced by analytical concepts I took up after reading James Howell’s MGS2 analysis Driving off the Map) that the negotiation and renegotiation helps further emerge us in the character’s world. Read more

We went back and finished it. And then played *more* DBZ! Was a good game day. Read more

Yes and no. Half of it is 100% an act conveyed through the vocal barks. “Go, recon!” “I need suppressing fire!” “Squad, stay down!” Because these lines are playing on various conditions (low health, a grenade toss, etc) it gives actions more depth than what is actually occurring.

But there is AI underneath this that Read more

One hour left to vote but it looks like No One Lives Forever is our next game. Read more

Oh, shit. You’re the guy! That guy from every comment section. Can I have your autograph? Read more

The armor’s a bit lackluster. Folks can correct me if I’m wrong but it’s stuff you get from quests and can just ascend. I remember Sloan giving me Raiden Flux as a reward for shooting some Hive or something. Read more

Yeah, it’s pretty reasonable. I was actually short this morning and just ran to me vault, shard’d a random Crucible helmet, and got my very own Merciless. Read more

Yeah, my script says billion but I misread it while recording and I guess I didn’t catch it. Billion make a lot more sense. :D

Yakuza 0 adds a lot to Nishiki and I’m super glad that folks who are just getting into the series with Zero will have a little bit more of a gut punch if they pick up Kiwami. Spending time with Read more

Stalber’s been expanded a bit as well. The entire northeast is a bit more viable. Not sure how the look plays out there but Kameshki was pretty nice given how small it is. I still think that I’d rather drop into Yasnaya Polyana if I could but it’s nice to see the north get some love. Read more

Really want to take a moment to give a big shoutout to TriHex for helping us break down Act One. He’s a cool dude who runs a great stream. Hopefully, this helps give you folks an idea of what it takes to make Sonic really go fast! Read more