Heather Alexandra's discussions

Heather Alexandra
Former Senior Writer and Critic at Kotaku.

Can’t really agree here. Having reliable TAS tools for the WiiU is super useful and doubly impressive when you consider dragonbane did this by himself. Remember: his tools are what allowed Girtana1 to capture the inputs for WWHD’s Barrier Skip. Without those recorded angles, gymnast could never have found a proper Read more

About 5 hours. It’s a short game and stumbles occasionally but there’s still some very interesting stuff to be found. Also, it’s really pretty and has a very good photo mode. Voila!

Yeah, 3DS only at the moment. I’d love to see it on Switch but then again I think we all want to see everything on the Switch. :D Read more

We started doing it to accommodate any deaf readers but I get the sense the folks working in a busy office enjoy the chance to read everything and avoid getting caught watching YouTube. Read more

It’s really awkwardly phrased even in the press release but it appears that Not a Hero, the previous delayed DLC starring a spoilerific character will be our on the 12th as well. Read more

It’s a good casual way to help identify mechanics, which are reductively “things you can do” or “how you interact with the world.” The other buzzword being systems, which are “multiple functions interacting simultaneously.” Read more

That was my initial reaction too but hearing people talk about him and outline how money from this will benefit his family, I think it’s a pretty neat idea. Read more

The project started last November. The 21 days is in-game time. 366 trying to complete it and get it uploaded. 115 hours practicing. 481 hours total.

I was a bit unclear in my phrasing in the article. I’ve since amended it. Read more

No need to apologizes. I looks like you’re not the only one having trouble seeing the new boxes. I’m going to look into the problem to make sure all you cool folks can see it and enjoy my silly puns and bullet points. Read more

No mistake. There’s supposed to be a special pull where you get to pick one of the four. Should help folks round out and weak spots in their teams. Read more

There’s literally a giant box that says what the major pro and cons are, alongside game length. In traditionally formatted reviews, I’d also advise you to look at the final two paragraphs. They tend to sum things up nicely. Read more

Yeah, it can get daunting. I started in earnest with Yakuza 4 although I played the first via rental when I was younger. Shout outs to Mark Hamill. Read more

I allude to it above talking but I want to stress that that approached this as a big fan of the manga, Near’s sudden asspull at the end non-withstanding. Seriously, how good was Gevanni’s handwritting that a detail-freak like Mikami couldn’t see what was going on? I think Matsuda’s right: Near used the book. But I Read more

I’m dying over the boots. They’re wonderful. And as far as ancestors go, Ike’s looking like the spitting imagine of his dad. Read more