Chris Kohler's saved articles

Chris Kohler
Features Editor, Kotaku. Japanese curry aficionado. Author of the books Power-Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life and Final Fantasy V from Boss Fight Books.

Animal Forest shows us how far we’ve come, but there is another Japan exclusive AC game. A much more feature rich Animal Crossing that westerners (probably) haven’t played Is Animal Forest e+.

See, 8 months after Animal Forest, they dropped Animal Forest+, which became Animal Crossing, etc etc that’s basically all in Read more

An all-time great. That said, I played it again recently and found it super jarring that everyone talks except the main character.
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Fantastic article, thank you! Read more

Adding mods like this really spices up the world. I honestly can’t really play Skyrim anymore without them because it feels like something is missing when I take them out, same for Fallout, and the same for Sims 4. It makes for interesting stories, like sneaking into someones house in Whiterun only to hear them boning Read more

This is so fucked up and funny. I loved this. Read more

There’s also a fair bit of really nasty homophobia and transphobia that I found amongst some of the creators of Overwatch videos. Apart from how bigoted and wrong it is to be like that in the modern day, it’s always dismaying to see porn dominated by assholes in more than one way. Straight men aren’t your only Read more

Thank you! Awesome story and this was totally me and my dad in the 90's. I’ll still never forget the 4MB graphics card I got for my (9th?) birthday. We didnt have the consoles, only a PC, and boxes and boxes of disks. I’ve forgotten more than I’ll remember; but was a nice piece of nostalgia.
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My dad was never keen on DIY hardware (he was really good at wiping his own hardrive somehow though...) but we definitely ended up at a few of these fairs in hotel banquet halls or the pop-up outlet spaces at the local dirt mall to look at all the software. I was remember paying $20 for a CD full of Shareware, Read more

This was amazing, thank you Chris! You knew this era was really in full swing when the shareware games themselves started getting clones - there were probably dozens of Commander Keen knockoffs on the BBS systems I dialed in to. Read more

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There’s Andrew Groen and his Empires of EVE books! He mostly covers the Nullsec Empires.

Please tell me there is a Chronicler somewhere, recording all these events into a Romance of the Three Kingdoms style book(s) Read more

A rule that I try to stick by when a big shiny AAA $60 game catches my fancy is to put at least one game in between that and my decision to buy the game. The in-between game doesn’t have to be long - recently I played Undertale, Celeste and Steamworld Dig 2 this way - but putting the delay on the decision even for a Read more