Mario may be known for his background as a plumber, or his recent adventure as a body-snatching fashionista, but…
Mario may be known for his background as a plumber, or his recent adventure as a body-snatching fashionista, but…
Enjoyed the write-up, and the topic was a little amusing since I’ve recently been playing Mario Golf for GameBoy Color in my current rotation of games in-progress. I’ve never played it up until now. I love the GBC dearly, but I was too young at the time to afford many games when it was new. Read more
Is there a reason that the Super Mario Kart games were left out? Motor racing is very much a “sport”; probably more of a sport than what we typically associate the word with (*cough*cough* anything-with-a-ball *cough*). Considering how incredibly pivotal the first Super Mario Kart was on the Super Famicom/Nintendo to… Read more
As we inch ever closer to the summer months, there are bound to be a week or two that don’t offer much in the way of…
Donkey isn’t just a Kong. That’s what you’re not getting, Ben. Read more
You ok, William? Read more
Ah, geez. I remember when this came out! Haha, aw man... Read more
Just to note, Diddy being DK Jr. wasn’t a rumor. He was originally supposed to be DK Jr., but Shigeru Miyamoto said the design was too radical a departure from the classic design and said to either change it back or make him a new character entirely. Rare went the latter option.
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A top Tekken player was eliminated from Korea Masters today, by none other than a Panda player.
At this point, I say Nintendo should just remaster every first and second party game they released for the WiiU, because even though the WiiU flamed out, Nintendo’s first and second party stuff remains good, with a select few ‘hard passes’ depending on taste and whatnot. It will help keep folks engaged while Nintendo… Read more
I played the first few hours of the newest God of War—a game about a father, son, and their host of relationship…