I was originally sort of the same way, with the original Xbox anyway. I had a PS2 and a GameCube with absolutely 0 desire to pick up a Xbox. There were a few games I wanted to play for it, but having always been both a console and PC gamer, those were the type of games I preferred on PC and didn’t really care for… Read more
Great article. When I was a kid a neighbor of mine had a Famicom and a disk drive with hundreds of Famicom games copied to disks. It was like discovering that magic was real. I wasn’t even aware that controller 2 had a microphone at the time. In an alternate universe they made a great curling game that uses this. Read more
I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that just... made me happy. That is, until I played this game. It’s manages to find the balance between no combat / conflict, yet still dodges the trappings of a “walking simulator,” enough to make it really engaging and fun to run around the island. I really love this game and… Read more
Same. In the entire history of Xbox I’ve never once wanted one, because they simply don’t have any exclusives that I want to play. I think there’s a clear divide in audience between Sony and MS: MS seem to have a strict ethos in their top titles of focusing very heavily on their competitive aspect, which always leaves… Read more
I’m glad you tried it but may I ask what exclusives you enjoyed on other platforms? If you don’t try the best that Xbox has to offer you shouldn’t say they don’t appeal to you. There are great games in other genres and a great third party selection to choose from on game pass. Just trying Indy games hardly seems like… Read more
A Short Hike isn’t just a delightfully relaxing game. It’s also an unexpectedly real outing, with an ending that…
Dude I was the same with a PlayStation. I hated the controller. It gave me cramps, the handles were too short and the angle is too steep. Read more
I have been an Xbox fan since the first, but never a launch purchaser I’ve waited years to pick up each round. I only just got the Xbox One X this christmas and with the first 3 months of game pass for a $1 a month the amount of value I’ve received from this console and service in incredible. I’ve played and beaten… Read more
I am disappointed that they aren’t Llama Lloops. Read more
Either way, hopefully I’ll see you all in 2021. Read more
Cheerios game is strong. Even the basic non-flavored stuff is damned good.
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I will always maintain that there is no such thing as a bad flavor of Cheerios. Read more