Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Funky #1I’ll die on this hill. Read more

I for one was sort of fascinated with Manky while playing DKC back in the day and would have placed him higher. He popped up sporadically enough for me to believe the encounters were all with the same dude who who just really had it in for DK, but why? Was it a clan dispute or something more personal? Is he a Read more

Perfect analysis, Dixie is definitely #1. Which has nothing to do with my bias toward DKC2 as one of the best platformers ever and how I used Dixie for almost everything. Read more

I have to say, Donkey Kong 64 is very close to the top of my list for games I want to get ported. All three Donkey Kong Country’s on SNES are imprinted in my brain like a map, and the 64 game felt like a good step forward (with all the awkwardness of our initial transition ot 3d) Read more

you can just hop ina blast barrel and GTFO, dixie is in no way the best kong Read more

came only to say if dixie isn’t number one i’m OUT Read more

Now playing

I’ve got no Kong in this fight but I’mma leave this here for people to listen to while they debate:

So, I actually owned that Zelda ages and seasons collectors edition. I won it in a contest from the Nintendo UK magazine. Read more

Still have my copy of Shantae that I bought on day one of its release. Like new condition too with box and inserts. Read more

I remember buying TWO brand new copies of Shantae at a Gamestop, years and years ago. I gave one away to a friend without knowing how valuable it would be. I don’t know what they did with it.

I traded in what was left of my complete copy (manual was missing) for my newest console, a Nintendo Wii.
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I suppose the Game Boy and Game Boy Color games I’m most proud of are that I have all the Pokémon games released in the US, complete in box with all manuals from when I was kid: Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, TCG, and Pinball. I also have the CIB Japanese versions of Red, Green, Blue, and Gold with their Read more


I recently rediscovered my Game Boy, a transparent version that was sold bundled with DONKEY KONG LAND and KILLER INSTINCT over here in the U.K. Read more

Holy crap, I own Mega Man V and had no idea it was worth anything to collectors! I loved it so much; the gameplay had a few nice twists on the standard Mega Man formula, the bosses were a nice halfway point between the X series and traditional Mega Man (at least I think so), and the Mega Arm was kind of awesome once Read more

I still have my original Game Boy and the Tetris game it came with. I would run back into my burning house for it, it means so much to me.

I also still have my copy of Pokemons Red and Crystal, but the battery on Crystal crapped out years ago Read more

Gargoyle’s Quest is probably my top tier game owning title for GB. Looks to be mid $70's for a complete game/box set. I’m surprised the Game Boy Camera actually isn’t worth more. Read more

GHOST BABEL!!! It’s one of the Best MGS spin-offs to date. I found a copy in a little shop in the city some years ago. I used to play it on my Gameboy SP but these days I try to keep the physical cart safe and just play the rom on my phone or PC. Excellent title! Read more