Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Just realized I said “great” three times in two sentences. Whoops. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you guys have in store. Read more

thanks so much Amor! Well, the Super Star Saga post had all the chortles, so... Read more

Hey, you guys are qualified. The past weekend takeovers were great and you guys had some great deep dives. That post about Super Star Saga was great. Read more

Sci-fi author (and occasional Kotaku weekend custodian) Peter Tieryas has a new book in his United States of Japan

Thos Chun Li? Have you seen her? Those legs! Wow! Best legs! What were talking about? Read more

I have seen them all save for the Community, OK KO and teen titans go ones.I have been meaning to pick up OK KO though seems neat. Read more

There was a fun Phineas and Ferb gaming episode that I saw the other day, I don’t remember the name though, but it was season 1 or 2. I haven’t seen much Gravity Falls, but I have enjoyed all of the Gravity Falls I have seen. Read more

More painful reminders that Disney are complete and utter dicks for not releasing a Gravity Falls Box Set. I mean COME ONNNNNNNNNN! Read more

thank you for reminding me that Missin Hill exists. that was a fantatic and criminally brief show. now to find out where i can watch it again Read more

I’m really glad I checked the link to the previous entry before commenting. Might not be a bad idea to put it in the article itself. The Guitar Hero episode of South Park is pretty good, too.

I suppose “all of Code Monkeys” doesn’t really count as an episode, does it. Read more

As a child of the 80's that loves old cartoons and never really “got” Adventure Time, pretty much every “old” example you gave above is what I would stuff in the “adults just don’t understand!” category of video game based episodes. It really did take my generation growing up and starting to make cartoons for any Read more

Omg I just realized that’s “Soos and the Real Girl” is literally Doki Doki Literature Club! Read more

Even to this day I get a kick out of that episode of Doug for its spot-on parody of Wing Commander, one of my formative SNES experiences. I have easy access to the DOS version now, which is hypothetically superior in every respect, except there is no way to get it to sound like the SNES version, which is an absolute Read more

Gravity Falls truly was something else, wasn’t it?
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I am so glad you put Mission Hill on this list! Most people I know have never heard of it but it was one of my favorite shows I watched on Adult Swim! Read more

that teen titans episode was really very good. TT seemed to find its groove in that it knew it couldn’t be a real follow up to the animated series, so they instead went deadpool nuts with it and just burned every sacred institution of animated hero shows. and that episode was great. I still say “yes i doooo...and i am Read more