Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Cant tell you how much I appreciate raw aggression in journalism. CNN would be much more entertaining if they picked up on your style! Read more

It’s first on every list to me. Also - huge nod to the Steven Crewniverse for how often they insert Nintendo knockoffs into episodes. I’ve regularly seen N64s and GameCubes in Steven’s house.
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‘MYBUTT’ is that a Lost Pause reference?
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As confirmed by Butch Harman in this video, the Danny Phantom theme song actually begins “Young Danny Phantom”. I had no idea either.

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Corollary to Teen Titans Go Video Game References, they also did a D&D episode!

Holy shit, I had no idea the RPG World guy was still doing things, much less actual cartoons. That is super awesome. I still fight the urge to say “Time are tough” anytime I sit at a bar, ‘cause no one will ever get it.
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The Gumball one was great. TAWOG is my favorite cartoon-that-parodies-real-life. Read more

Holy shit! That OK. KO episode! I never knew about it! Read more

That Doug episode was my jam. It and the Muppet Babies Pretendo episode were standouts of my Nickelodeon youth, minus Nick Arcade as a whole...Even back then those contestants gave me aneurysms. Read more

Great to see Mission Hill getting some love! Read more

Clicked this article hoping to find Gumball at #1. What a freaking perfect episode. Read more

I didn’t like Teen Titans Go at first either, but my son got super into it and now I laugh my ass off at it. It’s a funny show if you don’t take it too seriously. Read more

A whole article about video games in TV shows and not one Bonestorm reference Read more

SOOO happy to see Mission Hill get some love, especially that episode. The non-existent line between Kevin’s personal life and virtual video game life was portrayed so well, and the imaginary game’s design actually holds up really well in an era of mobile games like Clash of Clans. That episode and the one where they Read more