Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Kotaku has changed. For a couple of days... because Ben and Narelle are in charge.

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One of the best episodes is “Jump Good.” Great pace, funny, a little sad, and ultimately, rewarding. My two-and-a-half year old loves the show. Its simplistic storylines make it easy for anyone to catch on. If I recall, the budget per episode was high (though I could be mixed this up with Clone Wars) and so I am

I know this is a bit of an old post, but I was inspired by this and my own ideas to make a Kinja account and write a Kotaku article of my own. I have so many ideas for a Wario Bros. game. It could be so great. Read more

I mean... I dated a girl for 3 years once, before I realized I hated her. Read more

I preordered my Project Diva X through amazon, so it’ll be waiting for me when I get home from work on tuesday. Read more

Now that the games I wanted have came, I need something that panders to my love for exploration games, while without great graphics becuz my computer can’t handle it. Read more

I kind of wanted Project Diva X til I played Future Tones and I’ve been absolutely addicted to that since and the demo of X just felt a little dated compared to the 1080 graphics and customizable controls of Future Tones. Read more

F-Zero X is a favourite of mine; the only time a synth guitar has come even close to sounding like the real thing. Read more

I’ve actually been thinking about this quite a bit the past few weeks.

A ton of games have soundtracks that perfectly capture the spirit of their games, setting a particular tone, eliciting emotion, or just adding to the overall atmosphere. However, take away their connection to those beloved games and the memories of Read more

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I’ve been wanting this game since the intro to Mario Power Tennis.

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Thank you! I’ve been saying for years now that Wario and Waluigi are due for a proper title! A Mario and Luigi style of game would be perfect as the Wario series has always been somewhat comedic already. Just look at the last Wario Land game for reference:

I’d enjoy a game where the Wario Bros. accidentally injure the Mario Bros. right before their adventure to rescue Princess Peach and take up the job themselves, albeit through more greedy processes (intentionally going to the wrong castles to rob the place, using hammers and brute strength, using the shells of fallen Read more