Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

I agree with that statement, it actually felt really good, was a great media player over all, but thst no disc thing sucked. I got over that and was fine with it after i had one. Read more

Beggars can’t be choosers. Also, played the hell outta that game on my original Gameboy. Read more

I would buy the crap out of a Wario and Waluigi: Evil Star Saga Read more

I’d buy an NX if its gonna have paper wario and wario and waluigi super star. Read more

holy crap, I was not aware this game existed Read more

I’ve always thought these two would be great in their own title. Make Captain Syrup (of Wario Land fame) the villain, and the WarioWare cast would make great supporting characters. Read more

This is brilliant. I would buy and play the hell out of a Wario Bros. RPG.
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I’d really love a new Wario platformer in general. But one with the production value of their latest entries? That would be gold. Read more

There’s a proper cannon on the first level.

A Wario and Waluigi RPG with a battle system like Mario and Luigi RPG 3 would be amazing! Read more

make wapeach the villain and kidnap wabowser Read more

There’s nothing canon in that world, just shrooming all day n’ watching crazy shit. Read more

Wario Land 4 is definitely one of my favorite games of all time. Probably tied with Mega Man Battle Network as my favorite Gameboy Advance game. This may be nostalgia talking, since I played this growing up in Elementary school, but every world had personality and Wario himself was a joy to play as. Every level ended

“we need to talk about everyone’s (supposed) favorite mustachioed Goomba stomper” Read more

I don’t know if I’d buy every last VB game on the Virtual Console. Going by the Wikipedia list of those released in the US, I’m sure I’d get 3D Tetris and Virtual Boy Wario Land. I’m not sure of the rest and know nothing of those never released in the US (like V-Tetris). Read more

If Nintendo is truly making the NX a console/handheld hybrid that means all their developers will be developing for one console and not two. Assuming Nintendo continues with their style of 1-2 iterations of a franchise per console generation, the other developers can start making more obscure titles like this. Read more