Wario Land: Federation Force!!!!!! Sign me up! =) Read more
Wario Land: Federation Force!!!!!! Sign me up! =) Read more
The Wario games are some of the best in the Mario franchise IMO. I think we’re long overdue for another Wario platformer - 2d or 3d. A Wario RPG would be pretty fantastic as well. It’d blow my mind to see Nintendo do a pair of RPGs released at the same time - one where you play as the Mario Bros. trying to defeat the… Read more
This game has always blown my mind, ever since I was a kid playing it at release and being terrified of the Thwomp chasing you through level 1-4. Have any major AAA titles since Wario Land been ballsy enough to include an entire hidden WORLD - not a collection of bonus levels, but a regular World - behind a random… Read more
This is a great read. I’ve totally thought about this for the longest time, and wish they would do something with it. One of my absolute favorite Nintendo platformers of all time is Wario Land for the Virtual Boy, and I know a lot of people never got the chance to play it, but for those that did...you know what I’m… Read more
“Nintendo WAS notorious for surprising players with games that fall on both sides of the fan service spectrum. BUT NOT ANYMORE” Read more
My reaction...
Nope. I bought one a few years ago, screen died within six months. My other PSPs, they’re alright. Read more
Is the issue with the DSi just that they dumped GB compatibility too early? Because they were inevitably going to do so eventually... maybe I just didn’t really care because I already had a GBA SP. Read more
Shut up, baby! I know it! Read more
and tbh, how did people like the DS lite? It was underpowered, provided no improvements major over the previous, and the hinges were super weak and snapped. Read more
Sorry, but the PSPgo was NOT a bad redesign. You weren’t forced to have it, they didn’t force it on anyone either. You could buy the 3000 or the N1000 (Go) side by side and they were both sold concurrently. I loved the Go because it caught up with the times. I had a 3000. Yes, I loved it, but with so many PSP games on… Read more
The reason the initial NES was designed the way it was for North America was really a consequence of the crash. They made it look like a VCR and called it an entertainment system. They didn't want the stigma attached to the gaming industry. Read more
I did read that article, which is what has me watching my clicks. Read more
I get no regard, no regard at all. No esteem, neither. Read more